
Medical & Clinical Research

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About the Journal

Medical & Clinical Research is an internationally reputed open access journal that aims to publish a wide range of topics within the field of general medicine, advanced medicine, and its related clinical practices.The journal seeks original research in all the major clinical and medical sciences in the form of research articles, review articles, case studies, commentaries, short communication, and the letters to the editor This peer reviewed journal publishes evidence based empirical research on a wide range of topics within the fields of general medicine that includes Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders, Cardiology, Nephrology, Gynecology, Dermatology, Dentistry, Ophthalmology, and Immunology for publication. The journal lays equal emphasis on the advanced scientific research on pediatrics, Critical care medicine, Family Medicine, Epidemiology, and Geriatrics. Specialized fields within the Translational Medicine, Nursing, Epidemiology, and Healthcare are encouraged for publication.


Research on the major clinical practices involved in the general and advanced medical practices including but not limited to oncology, HIV/Aids, Infectious diseases, Surgery, Internal medicine, Orthopedics, and Neurology finds a place in this scientific journal.


With an impressive impact factor of 2.93, the journal is indexed in CNKI, EBSCO, VVGN, SPU, ISI, Refseek, Research Database, Research Gate, Scilit, Crossref, Semantic Scholar, and Google Scholar.


Submit your articles as an email attachment to [email protected]


Recent Articles

Volume 9, Issue 5
DOI : 10.33140/MCR.09.05.03 Case Report
Title: Eosinophilic Cellulitis (Wells Syndrome) and Eosinophilic Granulomatosis with Poly-angiitis (Churgg-Strauss Syndrome); Different Clinical Entities, or a Single Spectrum of Disease? A Case Study, Discussion and Literature Review
Author(s): Dr Malini Alexander, Dr Samual Blayney
Link(s): Abstract PDF
DOI : 10.33140/MCR.09.05.02 Research Article
Title: Antiretroviral Therapy and Cancers: Dolutegravir, Ritonavir and Zidovudine Have Toxic Effects on the Viability of Cal-27 Cancer Cell Line
Author(s): McNeil Rosaleen Thecla, Olatunji Babajide I, Nyango Philip B, Mohammed Bello M, Shinku Francis, Wazhi Manyil A, Olaleye Olatunbosun O
Link(s): Abstract PDF
DOI : 10.33140/MCR.09.05.01 Editorial
Title: Do Nucleic Acids Binding Polymers (Nabps) May Be Reduce Proinflammatory Nucleic Acids Among Trauma-Associated Hemorrhagic Shock
Author(s): Manoj Kumar, Sanjeev Bhoi, Niharika, Kavneet Anand
Link(s): PDF