
Medical & Clinical Research

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A Students��? Health Centre Design for Qatar

Author(s): Najat Abdrabbo Alyafei

Introduction: School health services have the purpose of ensuring that all students are ready to learn by ascertaining that they are in good health. More than 2.3 billion school-aged children have been reported to spend a third of their days in the school environment1. Such findings underscore the need to establish school health centers (SHCs) that exclusively promote students’ physical, social, and psychological health of school children, yet currently non-existent in the State of Qatar.

Aim: The present paper aims to propose the establishment of SHCs in Qatar, and to envision the impact of these comprehensively and uniquely designed Student Health Care Centers (SHCs) for school children health and wellbeing in Qatar.

Student’s Health Center Design: Qatar prioritizes student’s health as part of its high-quality health care services. Qatar’s student health will benefit from establishment of comprehensive school health center services.

Recommendation: This paper presents an SHC design that may be used in the State of Qatar. Identical SHC design may be applied in other countries also to improve the health, and quality of life among school children by creating a platform for rendering multidisciplinary health care services and health promotion to school children.