
Medical & Clinical Research

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Analysis of Short Stature in Children

Author(s): Shahid S*, Hafsa, Aslam A, Arastu A, Ali Sheikh A, Abdul Samad S, Shaukat F, Zafar Ali J and Faisaluddin M*

Growth is a continuous biologic process influenced by genetic, nutritional, environmental, and hormonal factors. Normal growth can occur only if the individual is healthy. Longitudinal growth assessment is essential in child care. Short stature can be promptly recognized only with accurate measurements of growth and critical analysis of growth data. The objective of this study was to assess the characteristics of patients referred to pediatric clinic because of short stature and determination of the etiology in tertiary care hospitals of Southeast Asia. This is a retrospective study of patients referred to a pediatric clinic with short stature during the period March 2015 to March 2018. After a proper detailed medical history, growth analysis and physical examination, followed by a radiological (bone age) and laboratory screening (complete blood count, urine and stool analysis and also thyroid function). Growth hormone stimulation tests were performed when indicated. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the pituitary was performed if required. As well, celiac screening and small bowel biopsy were performed when appropriate. During the period, two hundred and thirty eight patients were evaluated for short stature. Their age ranged from 3 years to 12 years. The male to female ratio was 1.3:1. The commonest etiology was genetic short stature found in 32 patients, while in the remaining patients, nutritional, endocrine, metabolic and other causes were noted. Short stature was a common referral. A wide variety of etiological diagnosis was noticed with genetic short stature being the commonest. A wide variety of endocrine causes were evident, with growth hormone deficiency, as a results of different etiologies, being the commonest.