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Apocrine Breast Carcinoma - Pathohistological And Immunohistochemical Analysis, Prognosis and Complex Treatment

Author(s): Lena Marinova*, Snezhinka Vicheva and Dorothea Malinova

Apocrine breast cancer (ABC) is a rarely diagnosed pathomorphological subtype of invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast. We present a clinical case of apocrine breast cancer in a 36-year-old woman. A left-sided breast-preserving surgery (quadrantectomy am blok with underlying muscle fascia) and axillary lymph dissection at all three levels were performed. The complex treatment is continued with adjuvant chemotherapy, followed by radiotherapy of the left mammary gland. The pathomorphological and immunohistochemical characteristics of apocrine breast cancer, the prognosis and the necessary complex treatment are discussed. Immunohistochemical (IHC) analysis of apocrine carcinoma cells reported a characteristic steroid receptor profile with negative IHC expression for estrogen and progesterone receptors and positive for androgen receptors. ABC is prognostically similar to invasive ductal carcinoma / NOS. Apocrine breast cancer needs to be classified as a separate nosological unit, due to growing evidence of a different hormonal profile with different clinical behavior following androgen deprivation therapy