
Medical & Clinical Research

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Chronic Hydrocephalus of Adults: Prospective Study Regarding 50 cases from January 2011 to January 2018 in the Department of Neurosurgery CHU Mustapha Algiers

Author(s): Bekralas H, Bouallag M, Chitti M, Habchi N, Boulaouad W and Djaafer M*

From January 2011 to January 2018, 50 adult patients (average age of 68,5 year) with chronic hydrocephalus were followed in the department of neurosurgery of Mustapha PACHA’s hospital. Our long-term follow-up revealed that male’s gender predominated and the clinic were dominated by gait disorders more mental disorders and urinary incontinence.The management of adult’s chronic hydrocephalus is mainly based on early diagnosis, ventricular- peritoneal shunt (VPS) and the clinical and radiological following