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Hemodialysis through persistent left superior vena cava. Should it be used?

Author(s): Zvi Peled, Olga Rutsky

Background: To describe a case of hemodialysis done through persistent left superior vena cava, identified incidentally after a left jugular central venous dialysis catheter insertion, and to discuss its feasibility.

Case Summary: Single case: A 66-year-old woman was admitted to the ICU with a diagnosis of septic shock, severe pneumonia, and acute renal failure. Hemodialysis was required for acute renal insufficiency. Persistent left superior vena cava (PLSVC) was detected on Chest x-ray after a left jugular central venous dialysis catheter placement. Hemodialysis was uneventful. Using a permanent dialysis catheter placed later through the PLSVC was less efficient. Although no complications were seen during hemodialysis, it was technically difficult (with high pressure in access and low blood flow rate).

Conclusion: Hemodialysis through PLSVC should remain an exceptional and short-term therapeutic alternative in dialysis patients