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Social Logics in Reproduction Health

Author(s): ANOUA Adou Serge Judicael

The issue that underlies a worrying question of maternal and child health in Côte d'Ivoire is that of social logic. Social logic
is perceived as "cultural constructions of actors with regard to morbidity that cause to adopt reproductive health care". Based
on this understanding, the concept of social logic in reproductive health is similar to a paradigm that highlights the various
factors that structure and organise sociological resistance to mothers' openness to healthy reproductive behaviours; that is,
openness to change for sustainable reproductive health. Far from becoming and remaining a prisoner of blind culturalism with
the social logic that generates the health of mothers, new-borns and children, practically-relevant questions are raised. Issues
of "bad governance", socio-cultural representations and behaviours in conflict with modern epidemiological standards are
addressed in a culturally-sensitive manner, an important issue for the provision of care focused on the needs of mothers seeking
answers to health problems. Developing these original community characteristics helps to orient a reading list in a socioanthropological perspective with a view to explaining and understanding different problems encountered, experiences acquired
by social actors during the implementation of antenatal, postnatal and family planning care. This context of building logic with
regard to reproductive health care is key to identifying real bottlenecks in maternity services and achieving efficient management
of maternal, new-born and child health care for the benefit of populations and actors in the public health sector.