
Medical & Clinical Research

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Unskilled delivery of bad news leads to brain haemorrhage in vulnerable people

Author(s): Sofica Bistriceanu

Background: Everyone experiences various feelings according to the information gathered daily. Good news relaxes, increases satisfaction, and delights people; bad news disturbs human equilibrium, and unskilful delivery of such info can lead to disaster in a vulnerable person.

Aim: Reveal the effects of the inappropriate transfer of lousy news on vulnerable people.

Material & Method: Qualitative study performed by the author in the community, 2008-2022, relating to the significance of communication for the individual health. The people interaction effects were registered and corrected when and where necessary and preventive actions were initiated.

Findings: One day, in the evening of autumn 2020, a patient, 71, was informed by a panicked family member about the car accident of her son. Immediately she presented headaches and difficulty of speaking and walking.

Patient’s Medical History: Obesity, 2004-2011; overweight from 2011; DZII, 2010; HTA, 2010.

Patient’s Family Health History: Mother: suicide, 1971.