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Young Nulliparous Female with Continous Vaginal Bleeding: A Case of Atypical Endometrial Hyperplasia

Author(s): Shaila Anwar* and Nabeela Shami

Mrs. XYZ 32 years of age, nulliparous presented in the OPD with complaint of continuous vaginal bleeding for 1 month. She had had Dx D & C twice previously for the same complaint one year ago. The two H/P reports showed Adenocarcinoma of the Uterus and repeat D & C one month later showed Secretory endometrium. Dilatation and curettage was done again on19. 03 2018 which showed Atypical Endometrial Hyperplasia (AEH). The couple was counseled and they opted for definitive treatment. TAH & BSO was done on 03.04 2018. Cut section showed thickened endometrium with no myometrium invasion.

Conclusion: In patients with irregular or continuous bleeding P/V should be evaluated for AEH or Endometrial carcinoma.